In Charge! A play written in response to a dream wish list from teachers from around the world.
With a large cast. A story set in a world with no adults so that young people get to play young people. With groups of characters to make rehearsal scheduling easier. That is utterly flexible and challenging to stage. Including themes that can be discussed afterwards and which can involve the wider school community. That is international and entirely gender neutral.
As well as being utterly malleable.
And which is able to be performed by 11-year-olds to 18-year-olds for a one-off fee as a PDF that can then be copied.
I am definitely interested in producing this next Fall! It is exactly what I am looking for. The premise is brilliant, and I love the fact that actors will be playing roles their own age.
Wow! This is a great script! The casting, different groups of kids. Love it! So great to be able to cast smaller groups of friends when possible. And love that kids can tweak the lines.
And involving leaders, other teachers.... and parents. Fantastic and so easy to do.. Finally - the ending. Great message, great moment Love it!!!!
I loved the script- it certainly does all the things that you listed- large, flexible, gender-neutral cast, minimal staging, tech possibilities etc. I also really liked that it touches on themes and ideas that could lead to lots of pre or post discussion work. And with loads of identifiable characters, and humour to keep it light. I thought it was fun, large, touching on some interesting notions and scenarios and which introduces complex and relevant themes.